The variety of off-road strawberry
Discover the characteristics that make the Splendor strawberry variety special:
Type of variety
Short Day
Breeder Code
BG 959
Type of plant
Fruit Size
Medium - Large
Fruit Shape

Plant types and availability

Potted plant: September and October
Bare root plant: October
Frigo plant: July to September
Splendor fruit is medium to large in size, with very good conical shape. The fruit has a deep red color both on the outside and the inside. Very well accepted by the majority of current global markets; both fresh and industry / processing markets. Splendor's flavor is the perfect mixture between sweet and acid, maintaining a very acceptable brix level during the full length of the season. Splendor's fruit skin is firm and highly resistant to damage, which makes it capable of reaching its markets without any problem during the length of the production cycle.

Growing areas
Splendor adapts especially well to temperate climates such as those of Huelva in Spain or those of the rest of the Mediterranean arc.

your opinion matters
We have developed the Splendor variety by and for our customers. Below you have the most relevant comments:
We are in contact
For more information about Splendor, crop recommendations or plant orders you can contact us at: